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Get ready, everyone! This Thursday, April 6, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Libra. This Full Moon is happening during Aries season, which is a very powerful combination. This might bring some intense energies into your life, so buckle up! I hope this blog post helps you to navigate through those energies.

Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, this season is all about new beginnings! This is a time to assert yourself and take action. With the Sun being in Aries, you’re probably feeling a little more bold and brave.

With the Full Moon being in Libra, there will be an emphasis on relationships, balance, and harmony. These things will be highlighted during this Full Moon energy. You might be seeking out harmony and peace in your relationships.

Aries has a big focus on taking action for yourself, while Libra has a big focus on your relationships with others. This will teach you the lesson that you can assert yourself and go after your goals; while also taking care of the relationships that surround you. You can please both yourself and the people you care about. You don’t have to choose just one!

This Full Moon in Libra; you will see a theme of justice, fairness, and getting what you deserve. Speak up for what you believe in! Take action to make a difference in the world during this time. With the need for equality (Libra) and the drive to get there (Aries) you truly can make an impact during this time! Don’t hold back, if you really truly believe in something.

Take some time to reflect on your relationships, your goals, and the things you believe in. Find the balance between all of them.

Here’s a ritual you can use to harness the energies of balance, harmony, and relationships:

What you need:

  • Pink or White Candle

  • A piece of paper and pen

  • Your favorite crystals

Set your intention

Take 3 long, intentional breaths. Think about what your goals are for this Full Moon.

Create your Sacred Space

Find a quiet place. Light your candle. Gather your crystals. Play some high frequency music. Light some sage or incense, if you feel called.

Write your intentions

Write down your intentions on the paper for this Full Moon. Be specific about what you want. Stay present in this moment. Write an affirmation that summarizes your intentions that you can come back to everyday. Don’t forget to express gratitude to the Universe, too!

Charge your intentions

Holding your piece of paper and crystals, visualize your intention coming into fruition. Imagine yourself in the balanced and harmonious energy. Imagine the feeling you’ll get when you receive this intention in real life. Say your intention and affirmation out loud.

Release your intention

Release this intention out into the Universe, however you feel called. You can burn it, bury it, or come up with your own special way. Just make sure to let it go and let the Universe bring you what you desire.

This is a very powerful energy to utilize. Both Libra and Aries have a very positive energy to them. Trust the Universe!

Happy Full Moon in Libra! Love and light,


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