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Writer's picture: cancermoonintuitivcancermoonintuitiv

The upcoming Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th has a very interesting and powerful energy. The sign of Pisces is a very emotional, empathetic, and intuitive sign. Pisces season is a time to dream, feel, and connect deeper with your spirituality. Virgo, on the other hand, is a very practical, analytical, and logical sign. This Full Moon in Virgo brings you the perfect opportunity to meet somewhere in the middle. This is the time to implement a balance between head and heart.

The New Moon in Pisces was magical and dreamy. You were feeling inspired and creative. You were probably full of beautiful ideas. Now, it’s time to get logical with those ideas. Use the Virgo energy to turn that creativity into something actionable and tangible. Come up with a plan that can help you achieve those beautiful dreams. The grounding energy of Virgo will help you turn those dreams into your reality.

Go over all the details. Pay attention to how and where you are using your energy. Be careful not to get too critical of yourself and others, though! Virgo energy can lead to perfectionism. Remember, you are trying to find the balance. Use that energy to get organized, but maintain compassion and empathy in your life.

It’s important for you to focus on your health and wellbeing during this time, as well. Virgo is associated with physical health, while Pisces is associated with spirituality. It’s important to balance the two of these as well! Implement some better spiritual and physical health practices during this time. This can be through exercise, healthy eating, meditation, spiritual practices, etc..

Full Moons are the time to release that which no longer serves you. What do you need to let go of in order to reach your full potential and step into alignment?

Here is a ritual that can help you to utilize the energy of this Full Moon in Virgo during Pisces Season:

Materials Needed:

  • A candle

  • A smudge stick

  • A journal and pen

  • Crystals (pick intuitively)

  • A bowl of water

Step 1:

Prepare your space.

Use your smudge stick to cleanse the energy. Cleanse your crystals, as well. Light your candle with an intention. Play some meditation music and take a few mindful breaths to center yourself. ~Get in the zone~

Step 2:

Set those intentions!

Use your pen and journal to write down your intentions for this Full Moon. Think about what you want to manifest and implement into your life during this time.

Remember, find the balance between creativity and logic.

Step 3:

Release, release, release!

Take some time to think about those things you want to let go of. Write down anything and everything that comes to your mind! Then, tear the paper up. This will help get rid of the energy.

Step 4:

Time to cleanse and release.

Hold onto your bowl of water and take a few breaths. Visualize the negative energy and emotions leaving your body and flowing through the water in the bowl. When you’re ready, pour the water outside to release the negativity into the Earth.

Step 5:

Express gratitude.

Take the time to thank the Universe for everything you already have, and for the guidance you received during this ritual. Write down the things you are grateful for, and be thankful for all the blessings that are soon to come your way. Then, blow out your candle.

I hope you have a beautiful Full Moon in Virgo!

Leave those crystals out over night, so that you can charge them with the moon’s beautiful energy!

Love and light,

Cancer Moon Intuitive



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